Relationships and Dating are Hard

Before you enter the world of dating make a list of what you want in a relationship. Also make a list of what you are willing to give to a relationship.People that work the hardest to find a loving relationship are the most likely to find it.Hang on it can be a bumpy ride, but it can fill you heart and life with a lot of love. Don't put up walls and shy away. This could be the best time in your life. Online dating opens up a whole new world of dating.

We all need and want a loving relationship,but to have it we have to work for it.A lot of problems stem from fear of rejection, or being hurt.For a relationship to work you must be will to give and take.Ask yourself what do I want from this relationship or any relationship if you are not in one.Relationships are hard because we naturally see things from our own perspective and we have a difficult time seeing things from the other person's perspective. Next time you're having trouble in your relationship, stop and try to put yourself in the other person's shoes.
What is it that he or she is looking for, what are the things that the other person values.  See if you can find a way to get what you need and at the same time, give that person some of what he or she needs.  Some times this means compromise, but sometimes this also means taking turns (you pick tonight's movie and I'll pick the next one).

Build on your relationship every day and enjoy love you have never known.